Putting Purpose Before Profit
Marc Benioff, the co-founder and CEO of Salesforce, has been making a name for himself in the corporate world by saying that the business of enterprise is improving the world. This statement goes beyond traditional notions of profitability, shareholder gains, and...
Creating a Strong Company Culture of Giving
Your company's efforts should go beyond just the holiday season. To create a culture of giving, you must establish a strategic initiative embedded within your company's core. Giving can become a vital part of your company's culture, and it can help boost employee...
Tips for Attracting New Business
Small business owners are always looking for new ways to attract more customers. Here are six strategies that will help them get started. Ask for referrals One of the best ways to attract new customers is by asking for referrals. However, if you're not actively...
Managing a Remote Team
There are a variety of ways that managers can help ease the transition into remote work for people who haven't experienced it before, and these are relatively quick and easy to implement. Managing remote employees well can help increase productivity and produce better...
Tips for Networking as a Business Leader
Most people do business with people they trust and know. Your professional network can help you expand your reach and improve your skills and experience. It's also important to note that it's not just what you know that's important. It's who you know that can help you...
How Leaders Can Help Employees Avoid Burnout
According to a study conducted by the Gallup organization, employee burnout is one of the biggest threats to organizations. A quarter of employees said they feel burned out at work "often or always." The study also noted that employees who reported burnout were more...
Strategies for Reducing Business Expenses
Even the slightest increase in costs or revenue can significantly impact a company's profitability. Fortunately, many simple steps can be taken to improve a company's bottom line. Although it's good to review your company's operations and practices, it's also...
How to Negotiate Effectively in Business
Negotiating is a skill that is essential to professional life in today's business world. It is an important skill for all levels of business, from small startups to multinational conglomerates. But how can people negotiate effectively with others? Here are some tips...
How to Select a Niche for Your Business
Your business will not succeed if you don’t have a clear plan for it. It may not appear that way now, but your business won’t be sustainable in the long term without a niche. The easiest way to explain a niche is to think of it as the focus of your business. Niche...
Creating a Business Plan
Having a great business plan can make or break your business. While there are some entrepreneurs who believe they don't need to do such things in order to be successful, the odds are ultimately against you. Having a great business plan doesn't mean your business is...